Retirement planning ​
For McLean Capital, it is important that a retirement plan is not generic and too standardized. Retirement plans are generally based on rules of thumb and standard allocations.
It is important to consider the following:
- your expected retirement age
- your current expenses and an estimate of them in retirement
- your retirement income including pension plans and other sources
- the value of your current investments and an estimate of them at retirement
- if you are going to receive an inheritance
- the annual portion that you will have to withdraw from your investments in retirement (if necessary)
- the fees you pay for your financial services
Generally, most institutions' portfolios are invested the same way regardless of your expected retirement age, expenses, wealth level and goals.
At McLean Capital, we take an approach to retirement planning that truly considers your personal situation, which then allows us to make a logical allocation between stocks and bonds or guaranteed investments.
For the equity portion, we use an approach inspired by the investment principles of Warren Buffett, known for his wisdom and prudent investment strategy. As Buffett often says, it is essential to invest in what you know and stay committed for the long term. We help you apply these principles to secure and grow your retirement assets.
Buffett's philosophy places a strong emphasis on value investing. He chooses solid companies at reasonable prices. We use this philosophy to select investment options that offer both strength and growth potential, decreasing risk while positioning your portfolio for long-term growth. We firmly believe, like Buffett, that understanding your investments is crucial. We are committed to providing you with comprehensive financial education, enabling you to make informed decisions tailored to your personal retirement goals.
Patience is an investing virtue, especially when it comes to planning for your retirement. Buffett advocates investing with a long-term perspective. At McLean Capital, we help you build a portfolio that will allow you to remain disciplined in your investment strategy, avoiding hasty reactions to market fluctuations, and instead focus on your long-term goals.
Planning your inheritance can also be an important aspect of your retirement plan. We can assist you in structuring your assets so that your transition is as beneficial as possible for your heirs.
Finally, tax planning can also be an important aspect. Inspired by Buffett's prudent and strategic approach, we also assist you in structuring your assets to maximize tax efficiency.
We can also plan how you make your withdrawals using income splitting and more.
At McLean Capital, we are dedicated to helping you build a secure and prosperous financial future, with lessons learned from Warren Buffett's best strategies.
Contact us today to make a retirement plan: info@mcleancapital.ca