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Who we are

Our mission

1. Growing your savings.


2. Share our knowledge!

Our values


We are authentic and are proud to always stay candid.


We value being consistent in our actions.



By keeping it simple, we take better decisions and decrease risks.



We work hard, we check every boxes, we follow our procedures.


Investing requires patience. We invest over the long term.



We seek to learn continuously and to innovate our processes.

Our objectives

Reduce risk as much as possible using a disciplined, prudent, tried and tested approach

Own high quality investments

Invest with a long term horizon

Produce a high risk-adjusted return for our clients

Offer fair and logical fees

Our Funds



  • Stock fund in which the positions and the weights are chosen by the investment committee of McLean Capital.

  • Our 3 analysts do our own research and analysis.

  • The fund is usually invested in North American equities.

  • These returns include the impact of the Canadian exchange rate with the US.

  • Equilibrium between diversification and concentration.

  • Our management fees can vary between 0.2% and 1.5% per year (plus taxes) of the amount under management. There may also be fees charged by our partners. These can range from 0.1% to 0.2% per year. There may also be a performance fee charged in years when returns are higher.



Fund webpage:


  • This is a Stock Index Fund that replicates the Diamond Index.

  • Diversification from 2006 to 2024: between 44 and 59 positions across many sectors.

  • ​Since 2024, the Diamond Index serves as a resource to identify opportunities for the McLean Capital Fund.

  • Performance is presented before fees. The fees of the Diamond Fund are 0.7% + taxes per year. There may also be fees that are charged by our partners. These can represent between 0.1% and 0.2% per year.




  • Money-market fund with advantageous interest rate.

  • Only available to clients that are invested in the McLean Capital Fund or the Diamond Fund.

Risk Management

Our philosophy is simple, conservative and safe. We invest in solid companies and we do not speculate.


Our portfolio is diversified with a limit to concentration by investment and by sector while holding a smaller quantity of positions compared to an average portfolio.


One of the advantages of having a portfolio holding a more restricted amount of positions is a greater ability to follow our companies: we do a continuous analysis of our investments to stay on top of their evolution.


We use partners and research tools to increase our horizons all the while staying in our circle of competence.


To ensure rigor, we have a detailled research and analysis process and we deliberate by committee.


Our fees are generally cheaper than most of the industry.


Our management fees can vary between 0.2% and 1.5% per year (plus taxes) of the assets under management. They are based on the level of assets their family group holds with us and the proportion of equity funds (the McLean Capital Fund), fixed income investments and index funds in the portfolio.


The fees charged by our partners represent between 0.1% and 0.2% per year of the amount under management.


As we are portfolio managers, we are not obligated to place your money in mutual funds which charge you additional fees. It is important to consider management fees when managing your assets, as these can have a significant impact on returns.


Our clients' objectives are aligned with ours: the fee structure includes a performance incentive. Also, all the team members are invested in the Fund.


For more details, contact us:



Our story

McLean Capital was developed through a passion for analysis, hard work and prudence.


Ian McLean discovered the investment philosophy of Warren Buffett and Benjamin Graham in 2007.


This discovery completely changed Ian's outlook on the stock market.


The stock market no longer represented a giant "casino" with prices rising and falling according to fashions and trends. Ian understood that the stock market is an intermediary, like a real estate agent, which allows us to buy shares in real and tangible companies.


Ian therefore became determined to understand everything about business valuation. If you can determine the value of a company and can buy it below that value in the stock market, you can keep a margin of safety and get higher returns.


In 2009, Gary McLean decided to entrust his portfolio to his son. So this was Ian's first "client".


In the years that followed, other members of Ian's extended family joined the portfolio.


In 2011, Ian founded Rousseau McLean Investments with Gilbert Rousseau, the founder of Sports Rousseau and Pro Hockey Life stores. This firm serves as a vehicle to invest in the stock market and possibly to make investments in private companies.


In 2014, Ian founded McLean Capital while continuing to manage the investments of Rousseau McLean. McLean Capital obtained its license from the Autorité des marchés financiers in March 2015.


Lauren, Andrée and Daniel joined the firm in 2018, 2021 and 2024 respectively.


The firm is anchored in the analysis and in the principles of rational and real investment.

Our Services



The McLean Capital team are all invested in this portfolio, alonside our clients.




It is possible to deposit cash into your bank account and benefit from the advantageous interest rate offered to McLean Capital clients.




It is possible to gradually invest your money in our portfolio. This can smooth out the ups and downs of the market. It is also possible to keep a portion of your capital in cash (and obtain interest) and a portion in our portfolio.




We offer our clients several types of advice, including:





We offer, free of charge, an analysis of your current investments. We will give you the actual fees you pay, the returns you have obtained in the past and a 100% objective opinion on the potential and quality of your investments.

If you are interested

All you have to do is contact us. We take care of the rest, from the paperwork to transferring your funds - whether they're already invested or not. We cover all types of accounts (RRSP, TFSA, LIRA, trusts, company accounts, etc.)



Our team

Our internal team is composed of 4 people: Ian, Lauren, Andrée and Daniel.


We also benefit from the support of our partners such as the excellent team at Banque Laurentienne, SGGG, AMF, Fasken, KPMG, MNP, Computershare; notaries, tax specialists, accountants, etc.

Ian McLean

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Ian McLean, ASA, CFA

President and Analyst


McLean Capital was founded by Ian McLean, an actuary who completed his degree in mathematics at the University of Montreal in 2009.


He is an Associate of the Society of Actuaries, a CFA charterholder and registered with the AMF as a Portfolio Manager.


Ian is passionate about investing and business in general. He founded the McLean Capital stock portfolio in 2011.


or 450-937-4761

Lauren McLean


Lauren McLean, CFA

Portfolio Manager and Chief Compliance Officer


Lauren McLean holds a bachelor's degree in Actuarial Mathematics from Concordia University. She started at McLean Capital in 2018 and holds the title of CFA charterholder since 2022.


Her rigor and her sense of responsibility allowed her to develop herself within the firm. She is now Portfolio Manager and Chief Compliance Officer for the firm. On top of her important responsibilities, she also takes care of many corporate-level functions for the firm.


Lauren is Ian's cousin.​


or 450-937-2252

Andrée Lalande

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Andrée Lalande

Directrice des opérations


Andrée studied at HEC Montreal and she has managed a team of 145 employees for over 15 years for a division of Desjardins.


McLean Capital is fortunate to be able to count on Andrée to lead the company's operations and to answer several requests from our clients. She is humble, efficient, hard working and caring, not to mention her great experience.


She started at McLean Capital in 2021.


If you have any questions regarding the services of McLean Capital, do not hesitate to contact Andrée: or 450-937-9476.

Daniel Charron-Drolet

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Daniel Charron-Drolet, ing. M.Sc.



​Having successfully passed the first 2 exams of the prestigious CFAI course (chartered financial analyst), Daniel has cultivated an interest on capital markets and portfolio management for around ten years. This interest became a passion, which led him to change his career.


Daniel worked as a bridge design engineer for 6 years for the firm Stantec before joining the McLean Capital team. He holds a bachelor's degree in civil engineering and a master's degree in science from Laval University. He is also a member of the honor roll of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.


His passion, combined with his curiosity, leads him to continually look for attractive investment opportunities on the markets. His structured approach, his rigor and his analytical mind developed during his engineering career are assets for the analysis of investment opportunities.


If you have any questions regarding the services of McLean Capital, do not hesitate to contact Daniel: or 450-937-1400.

Our partners


The safekeeping of all assets and the brokerage services are done with a federally chartered bank. Our clients get an online access to their investments which includes documentation such as portfolio statements and tax documents.


We work with a bank to keep our clients' assets in a bank account under their name. We therefore do not have access to your funds.


You own the accounts under your name. We get a limited proxy with the bank that allows us to make investments inside our clients' accounts.


​McLean Capital manages its own stock fund: the McLean Capital Fund. This fund acts like a mutual fund which allows us to reduce costs for clients and be more efficient in our operations.


The administration of the McLean Capital Fund is carried out by SGGG. We have chosen to work with SGGG for their expertise, their quality service and their competitive offering for our customers. SGGG's services allow us to focus on portfolio management by delegating administrative procedures to an independent entity that specializes in this expertise.

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Our legal representative is Fasken. We chose Fasken for their expertise regarding investment securities and investment funds and the quality of their service.


The McLean Capital Fund is audited annually by KPMG, one of the largest accounting firms in North America.

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McLean Capital Inc. is audited annually by MNP, an important accounting firm in Canada.


The independent trustee of the McLean Capital Fund is Computershare, a large global institution that offers various investment custody services.

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